E-business card: how to make business communication more effective and easy

E-business card: how to make business communication more effective and easy

Paper business cards and rituals associated with them gradually fading into the past. It is not surprising today because of widespread use of electronic business card. If you still don’t use its advantages, you don’t give your business the chance to develop in full force. To get the most of it you should respect a few simple rules.

Customize your business card

Before you start to use a business card it must be set up on the base of specific features of your company. Use your corporate colors in the free business card template and specify all your contacts with special buttons. You shouldn’t forget to highlight your preferred communication channels with animation. Finally choose a good photo that fits the round format well. Your card is ready!

Good moment

Now it's time for your e-card to work for attracting customers and sales increase. By the way you can take advantage of useful traditions associated with paper cards. Send your client a link to electronic contact card immediately when you met. It isn’t difficult in the age of mobile Internet! This unconventional decision will surely make him remember you. It can’t be said about the many owners of paper cards stored in his business card holder.

24 hours online

Not all clients come after a personal meeting. Some of them are looking for a service they need on their own. Make it easy for them! Placing e-business card widget on your website you become always open for cooperation – even when you are not at work. A potential client will be able to check your contacts any time and write you in a messenger or social network. You will answer him in working hours. So you will not lose a single order without using your personal time.


An electronic contact card is not a link to a form with your contacts only. You can give it a shape that is convenient for your customers and you. For instance, if you usually communicate by e-mail you may use e-card as a signature which will be automatically put at the end of each letter. If your audience is active smart phone users, you may use the free business card builder to generate a QR code.

Keep up with the times with vCard!